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What's your Curl Type?

Knowing your curl type can help you identify the best products, treatments and styling techniques for your curls. 

The curl type system focuses on 3 types - wavy, curly and coily, which are then broken down in 3 further sub types that are determined by the shape and diameter of your curl.

Match your curl type to the pictures below, and follow these curly ladies for lots of styling tips and product application techniques to make the most out of your curls.

Note that no curl is the same, so you may not fit perfectly into one category or subcategory. Having many different curl types is completely normal and what makes our hair unique! : )

Type 2 - Wavy

Wavy hair lies somewhere between straight and curly, and falls in loose S shapes. It has less sheen than straight hair and is more prone to frizz. It needs some extra hydration, but not too much as this will quickly weigh the waves down. Avoid heavy leave-in conditioners, a light application of Curl Creme and Curl Gel works well to enhance and hold those waves in place. 


2a- Tousled, beachy waves that sit close to the head, with a little volume.


2A Curlies follow @amanda_wavygirl


2b- These waves are more defined, but begin a few inches down from root with slight volume.

2B Curlies follow @mummaizzo

2c- Waves begin at the root in a more defined S shape throughout the hair, with more body and volume. Hair texture is usually varied with some true curls in the mix.


2C Curlies follow @wavycurly


Type 3 - Curly


Curly hair strands clump together and wind around in a spiral shape forming ringlets. This hair type can be dry, as the natural oil from the root struggles to make its way down the spirals.  Curly hair will benefit from regular deep conditioning treatments.  Follow our curly method for perfect ringlets


3a- Defined loops the size of a cork from a wine bottle.

3A Curlies follow @rootedinbeauty 


3b- Springy ringlets size of your index finger with more volume than 3a curls.

3B Curlies follow @lizzys_curlycare


3c- Tight corkscrew curls the circumference of a straw with lots of volume.

3C Curlies follow @letts_curl


Type 4 - Coily and Kinky Hair

These curls range from a very tightly coiled S-shaped to a Z-shaped kinky pattern. The hair can appear shorter than it is due to the tightness of the curl (known as shrinkage) and can feel soft and fine or coarse and wiry depending on the hair thickness. Type 4 curls are prone to breakage, dryness and tangles. Hydrating products containing nutritious oils, and deep conditioning treatments are required to avoid this.  We advise following our curly method  and take note of the extra tips for additional hydration. You may want to seal all the moisture from the products in with a few drops of Jojoba Oil.

4a-  Tightly coiled S-shaped corkscrews the size of a crochet needle. Coils are compact and dense but in a visible curl pattern.

3C Curlies follow @curlygallal  and  @eleanorbarkes


4b- 4b curls are very tightly coiled like the spring in a pen and bends in angles like the letter z. The curl is tighter than 4a and less defined. 


4B Curlies follow @krul_kriyoyo who runs hair workshops in the Netherlands and gives haircare advice to all type 4 curls


4c-The tightest of the curl patterns. These curls are z-shaped like 4b curls, but tighter and denser due to greater shrinkage.

4C Curlies follow @healthyafrohair she also has many fab tutorials on her Youtube channel

As always, if you have any questions about your curl type, please get in touch :)  


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